
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Strange Days with Bob Saget: Watch a Dirty Comedian Meet Easy Targets

You may know Bob Saget as the future voice of Ted Mosby on How I Met your Mother. To the older audience, he is the loving father from 90s sitcom Full House. And he is recognizable as a caricature of himself in his guest appearances on Entourage. To a much lesser extent, in the documentary film The Aristocrats, he is known as the man with the greatest, most vulgar Aristocrats joke ever. He has turned his sights away from traditional television and is now coming out with his new reality series Strange Days with Bob Saget, which premieres November 30th at 10PM on A&E. The series follows Saget as he immerses himself in the various subcultures of America. He joins fringe communities such as biker gangs, survivalist groups preparing for the end of the world, and Bigfoot hunters.

This formula for a reality series is already well used, perhaps overly used, but this just might be the genius idea that kick starts a revolution in reality television: crazy show, crazy people, crazy place, and crazier host. The most common incarnation of this type of reality series would be the BBC documentaries, which take an academic look at strange cultures with some dry wit mixed in. Their outlook, especially when it comes to American subcultures, seems synonymous with America in general. The real entertainment though is in the reactions of the host rather than his academic observations. Saget seems destined to perfect the role of reality host with his notoriously “salty” humour and character amping up what would have been a run of the mill series. If anyone has ever seen Saget being himself like he does in The Aristocrats, they know that he is much more interesting, much filthier than his TV characters let on. What better idea than to have a person who both personally and professionally is mockingly offensive, gets away with it, and have him enter a group that should be met with diplomacy, especially with those survivalists. Suffice it to say, this series sounds like a winning mix and something that is worth watching.

What is strange is how under advertised this series is. One would expect large amounts of information floating around, but it is actually difficult to find. Perhaps Bob Saget should find better promoters. Let’s blame laziness, the laziness of this show’s promoters.

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